Most heat is lost from a pool during the evaporation of water from the pool surface.
Hence by reducing the evaporation of water, the heat loss from the pool is also reduced.
By forming a molecular layer over the pool water, AquaBlanket reduces evaporation from the pool surface and hence reduces heat loss from the pool.
On indoor pools, by reducing the evaporation of water, the humidity level in the pool hall will also be reduced.This in turn reduces the running cost for dehumidification on indoor pools
On indoor pools, savings are therefore made on both pool heating and dehumidification running costs.
The approximate differences in heat loss from covered and uncovered pools is:-
- An uncovered pool uses 2.5 times more energy than a pool covered with traditional plastic type pool cover
- A pool using AquaBlanket liquid pool cover uses 1.5 times more energy than a pool covered with traditional plastic type pool cover
Compared to a pool with no cover, AquaBlanketsignificantly reduces water evaporation and hence reduces heat loss from the pool.
The reduction in heat loss from the pool will reduce the heating costs giving a rapid payback time on the cost of AquaBlanket
AquaBlanket also costs less to use than other liquid pool cover products.
Here is a worked example showing how AquaBlanket can produce cost savings compared with other daily dose liquid pool cover products:-
eg 10m x5m (50m2) pool, used from May-Sept (say 25 weeks per year)
AquaBlanket has a dosing rate of 118ml per 62m2 of pool surface area per week
Weekly Dosing rate = 50/62 x 118 = 95 ml per week
Annual dosing required = 95ml per week x 25 weeks = 2.38 litres per year
Annual cost of AquaBlanket (based on 1 gallon bottles) = £72.24 + VAT per year (with free delivery)
Competitor Daily Dose Product
Dosing rate of 40 ml per day (280 ml per week)
Annual Dosing rate = 40ml x 7 days x 25 weeks = 7.0 litres per year
Annual cost of daily dose product = £154.88 + £27.50 delivery = £182.38 + VAT per year
Reduction in liquid pool cover required by using AquaBlanket = 66% per year!
Reduction in operating cost by using AquaBlanket = 60% saving !

Customer Feedback
"I have a 8.5 x 4.5 x 1.8m pool. With my heat pump, I heat the water to +28C. Morning temperature before I start using a Coverfree is 20-21C (air temperature at night is +13). With Coverfree +25-25C, so its real saving for my pool heating costs ! Best Regards Alex"
